Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Heart Healthy

Things to live by- Positive energy wins them all
"It's certainly true that if you're around somebody that's giving you many compliments, you start giving people compliments yourself. If you're around people who are more positive in general, you get more positive. On the other hand, when you're unhappy and you're bitching all the time, you're not just affecting yourself, you're affecting other people, too, and you're also teaching them about how to act or not act." Dan Buettner from Thrive
Avocado, yes or no?

I think the answer is pretty simple. YES! Avocado is great for you, all those myths you have heard about it being fatty and no good, those are absolute garbage. Avocado contains a high amount of healthy fats which support brain development. These fats include Omega-3 Fatty acids, vitamin E, protein, and fiber. Also included in this guacamole is onion and tomato. Onion contains sulfuric compounds that fight infection. Onions also feed good bacteria in your stomach which in turn helps to aide and ease digestion. Tomato's are an antioxidant food because of lycopene. Lycopene helps against radiation and some cancers, as well as heart health, and lowering levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Besides the technical reason's to eat guacamole, and multiple health benefits, it is so delicious, and a great snack.
Calling all lady dragons (You know what I mean)
So yea, its that time, and I know everyone knows what I mean. You want to eat absolutely everything edible, your emotional, you ache, you sweat, your anxious, and all else awful that comes with this part of nature for woman. This pretty pink bottle shown above can be the cure all for these grand of times. Ylang Ylang, is known as an antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, and tonic. It can help to calm, relieve mental fatigue, relax, reduce stress and tension. During that time of the month I like to diffuse Ylang Ylang to balance the female hormones. It helps me greatly to relieve anxiety and mental fatigue, and it smells great. This oil is steam distilled from flowers. It can be purchased from my Young Living website https://www.youngliving.com/cb2457 for $53. 62. Or sign up with a premium starter kit and get the wholesale prices on oils. Revisit my blog soon for initiative's to join Young Living with me.
Sweet summer right around the corner.
2 cups kale, 1 and a half bananas, 1 cup raspberries, 1/3 cup wheat bran, 1/4 cup cashews raw, 5 tsp. raw cacao, and 2 cups of water. There are so many reasons to drink a smoothie or juice to start your day. For one it boosts your intake of vitamins and minerals, early in the day, and provides you with lasting energy. Cacao is a high antioxidant superfood. It supports heart health, balances blood sugar, and regulates mood and alertness. Kale is super detoxifying , it is very fibrous and helps improve bowel regularity, which removes toxins from the body and supports a healthy liver. Blueberries can help improve memory and ward of destructive brain processes such as Alzheimer's.
Morning water
I start everyday with a cup of hot water, a half a tbsp. of really raw honey, and a drop of Lemon Essential Oil. The really raw honey has pollen in it, and it has significantly helped to get rid of my seasonal allergies. The lemon helps to support my immune system, acts as an antidepressant, antioxidant, and is refreshing and invigorating. It can be purchased from me https://www.youngliving.com/cb2457 for $14.80
Another Great Heart Healthy Smoothie
1 cup swiss chard, 1 cup kale, 1 pear, 1 cup blueberries, 1/4 cup cashews, 1/2 cup goji berries, 2 tbsp. raw cacao, and 2 cups unsweetened almond milk.

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