Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring Allergies, Smooties, Chakra 2

Its been awhile since my last entry, but I have a lot of new info for you followers. First up is Organic Raw Kombucha for the win. This drink comes in many different flavors, my favorite is the multi-green. Kombucha is a probiotic drink that adds many benefits to your overall health. Many people can not get past this drinks taste at first. It has a semi-vinegar like taste. I personally love it!! It has a strong resemblance to a carbonated drink, without it actually being carbonated at all. It is actually fermented. Now don't go getting all grossed out, this drink really is a health elixir. You can either purchase this drink from a health food store, or make your own.
Kombucha boosts the immune system. If you are feeling run down by colds, you need this drink! You can naturally build up your immunity just by having more fermented drinks and foods. Kombucha can increase your metabolism through its many powerful enzymes and beneficial bacteria, which help your body function at its maximum. It is also a natural detoxifier; by adding this beneficial bacteria, your body and most importantly your liver, can be detoxified faster.  Just an added bonus to all the properties listed above is that through detoxification, your body gains more energy. Drink energy drinks often? Kombucha packs many B vitamins that give your body natural energy, no caffeine necessary.

Two is better than one. The smoothie on the left can be made with 2 cups kale, 6 parsley sprigs, 1/2 cup of cucumber, 2 celery stalks, 1 pear, 1/2 inch of ginger, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and 2 cups of water. This smoothie is great for boosting the immune and digestive system. The smoothie on the right can be made with 2 cups kale, 1 1/2 cups of blackberries, 1 banana, 1/2 cups cooked black beans cooled, 1 ounce of almonds raw, 2 tbsp. of raw cacao, and 2 cups of water.  This smoothie packs the protein, and it tastes just like a chocolate shake. Don't be apprehensive about the black beans, they are completely covered up with the chocolate taste from the raw cacao. If you have children that do not eat any vegetables or fruits, this would be a great smoothie to try with them. Just don't let them see what you are putting in the blender.

So many great things can come from these smoothies. Here are some properties of the foods included: Almonds; they are composed of monounsaturated fats (the good ones), fiber, biotin and vitamin E. They are a heart healthy food as well as blood sugar regulating. Almonds have been proven to lower the risk of weight gain. Even though almonds have a high calorie count they help the body fight hunger through their satiating properties. Raw Cacao: Is one of the most antioxidant rich foods. Cacao supports heart health, balances blood sugar levels, and helps in regulating mood and alertness. It also supports metabolic functioning, and the transportation of oxygen to the blood stream. This is because Raw cacao contains minerals such as copper, zinc, magnesium, chromium, iron, phosphorus, and manganese.
I recently went on vacation and was trying to manage my weight and bloating before having to get in a bathing suit. I used the first smoothie recipe mentioned above to achieve that goal. When I returned from my vacation, I got a cold/allergies. I have been doing many things to combat this annoyance. One of them is adding 1 tbsp. of raw apple cider vinegar to 8 ounces of hot water, and one drop of lemon essential oil. I have been drinking this twice a day, and have started to feel significantly better. The apple cider vinegar helps in stopping a cold in its tracks, and the lemon essential oil is a great source of d-limonene, which supports a healthy immune system. Lemon essential oil can be purchased from me for $14.80. Email me for details

I have also been using these essential oils that can also be purchased from me. Peppermint $28.29, PanAway $42.76, Thieves $44.41, Tea Tree $34.21, and Lavender $30.92.  I have been rubbing peppermint and or PanAway on the back of my neck, behind ears, and on forehead for easy breathing and to reduce sinus pressure and headache. I mix thieves with coconut oil and rub on the bottom of my feet to help with coughing. Lastly Tea Tree and Lavender are mixed together and rubbed on my forehead and outside of nostrils. This acts as a natural antihistamine. I have really been trying to stay away from using any over the counter or prescription remedies. It is hard because we all want that immediate satisfaction of getting better. However, I don't think we realize what we are doing to our body in the long run. We are just adding chemicals and unnecessary junk to our body, and unfortunately it isn't going to thank us later.
The last thing I am going to talk about for this post is Chakra 2, which is the sacral chakra, whose focus is the pelvic and hip region.
 I recently took a yoga class that was more so stretching, relaxation, and restoration focused. The primarily focus for the class was the 2nd chakra. We did a lot of positions that open up the hips and pelvic joints. After taking the class, I came home and did some more research on the 2nd Chakra and found an oil that directly relates to this. The essential oil that I diffused and wear frequently as a perfume is Joy. Joy can be purchased from me for $52.30. Joy is an uplifting blend that creates a magnetic energy and brings happiness when diffused. It is composed of the following oils: Bergamot, Lemon, Palmarosa, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Geranium, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, coriander, and tangerine.

Joy can bring back memories of being loved, being held, sharing loving times, feeling and opening those blocks in our lives where perhaps we have shut down to love or receiving love or love of self. When there is grief, the adenoids and the adrenal glands shut down; Joy opens these glands.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Did someone say Spring?

Today I received my order from Young Living Essential oils. I got peace and calming and black pepper. Every time I receive my oils in the mail its like a mini Christmas. I get so excited with anticipation of the young living package. I can promise you that if you start using essential oils, you will feel the same as I do. Every bottle of oil has great properties for a variety of uses. If you are interested or skeptical, contact me for you free sample, and try it for

Peace and calming is great for relaxation and a good nights sleep. Also peace and calming can be used during meditation. You can diffuse, inhale, or dilute with olive oil or coconut oil and massage directly into the body. I like to diffuse peace and calming or massage on the bottoms of feet, back of neck, and temples. Peace and Calming has a beautifully gentle smell. The oils that are used to create it are tangerine, ylang ylang, blue tansy, orange, and patchouli. This oil can be purchased from me for $18.75.
Black Pepper also has a variety of uses. It can be diffused or inhaled to ward of cigarette cravings. It can also be used as a fragrant addition to any food you make. Black pepper has been known to support overall wellness. This oil is very new to me so I will be adding additional posts on how I have used it to be most beneficial. It can be purchased from me for $24.67.
I have also been very frequent in using tea tree oil on my scalp. With the harsh winter, my skin and scalp had become very dry. I rub tea tree oil on my scalp an hour before shampooing, and I have virtually gotten rid of dandruff after only two uses. I also like to diffuse tea tree oil to moisturize and hydrate my skin. Tea tree oil is a cleansing oil great for skin care. This oil can be purchased from me for $34.21
Want to learn more about Young Living Essential Oils? Contact me
That's right! Spring is just around the corner, so there is nothing better than this clean, crisp, and fresh smoothie. Composed of 2 cups of Swiss chard, 1/2 cup of cucumber, 2 celery stalks, 1/4 cup of parsley, 1/2 cup of carrots, 1 pear, 1/2 an orange, 1/4 of lemon, 1/2 cup of pineapple, 1/2 an inch of ginger root, and 2 cups of water. Makes 2 servings, and is absolutely delicious and filling.  
Parsley helps to bind and eliminate metal ions in the body. Lemons are super detoxifying in that they bind and remove toxins. Lemon helps to balance the ph levels in the body. So if you haven't had your parsley or lemon today, this smoothie is a great way to start. If this smoothie is too much for you, try adding a slice of lemon to your water, and adding at least a 1/4 cup of parsley to one of your meals. These two foods are usually looked at as a garnish, and un-recognized as super boosters to your health.
Have you meditated today? If not, why don't you give it a try for just 5 minutes. Sit wherever you are and close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and try to clear your mind. This is hard for people at first, but eventually meditation can be extremely effective. Try it for yourself. More posts to come on effective meditation and yoga practices. "Our sorrows and wounds are healed, when we touch them with compassion." Buddha

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Vegan Eats and Drinks. Starting your day with Essential Oils.

One thing is for sure, and that is, if you have not tried 100% Raw Coconut Water Dark Cacao, you are missing out.

Coconut water is super hydrating and tastes absolutely amazing. The difference with this coconut water is that it is never heated, which makes for the best flavor. Look for a pink one for an added bonus.

Most people miss out on the most important part of the day, and that my friends is breakfast. You absolutely need to start your day with nourishment. To kick start my day I usually drink three cups of water, two cups of green tea, and then a smoothie of some sort. Personally I have grown to absolutely adore my Nutribullet Rx. Not only is this blender great for smoothies but you can make some great nutrient packed soups. Anyway, if you are not eating breakfast your really doing it all wrong. Here is a recipe to try, its easy and tastes great.

Smoothies are quick and great for on the run breakfast. This week I made a great smoothie it included:  2 cups Red Swiss chard, 2 beets, 1/4 cup pomegranate juice,  1/2 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 cup almonds, 1 banana, and 2 cups water. Makes 2 servings
After making this smoothie for a couple of days, I decided to give my Ningxia Red a try. Whoa!!! Was I impressed.
Ningxia red is a product from Young Living Essential oils. It is a antioxidant powered drink. It is made from wolfberries; as well as blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juice, natural stevia extract, grape seed extract, pure vanilla extract, and orange, yuzu, lemon and tangerine essential oils. I used 1oz of Ningxia in my smoothie, and had a really pleasant experience. I felt nourished, energized, and focused. I also felt like it curbed my appetite, and sustained my energy all day long. For pricing and product information, contact me at to learn more about Ningxia or any other essential oils seen on this blog.
Recently, I have become involved and obsessed with essential oils from young living. Another way that I have recently started to get my day going, is by diffusing Citrus Fresh Essential Oil in the morning. I also occasionally will mix Citrus Fresh with olive oil and rub on the bottom of my feet to feel uplifted. Citrus Fresh is a blend of orange, grapefruit, mandarin, tangerine, lemon, and spearmint. The smell is amazingly crisp and fresh. Citrus Fresh can be purchased from me for $20.07 for 15ML.